User, Abuser, and Dependent: What’s the Difference?

User, abuser, and dependent. You’ve heard these words before in the context of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or gambling addiction. What are their differences?

Use, abuse, and dependence — you’ve heard these word before in the context of alcohol addiction or drug addiction. What’s the difference?


A drug user and alcohol user could be defined as an individual who drinks occasionally or has tried a drug. On holidays, very special occasions, large celebrations, or less then two times a year, they will indulge in some type of substance usage. However, they do not drink to get drunk. They may only have one to three drinks over the course of a couple of hours, or they may try or experiment with drug use a few times.

Users are also lacking the obsession of a heavy alcohol user or drug user. They live life normally without any kind of craving or obsession (either mental or physical) of any type of mind-altering substance to use. Someone who has a glass of wine with dinner would be classified as such.


A substance abuser uses quite frequently, on the weekends, or once to three times a week. An alcohol abuser and drug abuser drinks to get drunk and has a subtle obsession for mind-altering substances. They may use engage in drug abuse or alcohol abuse several times a month. The may go to the bar every weekend and drink very heavily. They seek out the mind-altered mood, they want to get drunk or high. They are able to hold a job, make sober rational decisions, and maintain healthy relationships and still be seen as functioning like a normal person.

A problem with this usage is that over time the chance of them becoming a drug and alcohol dependent because of their routine drug usage and alcohol usage. Those who have the tendency to become dependent on drug abuse and alcohol abuse (substance abuse) will become dependent. It is a matter of when, not if, they become dependent. This type of drug and alcohol abuse requires an intervention specialist to help them get back on path!


A drug or alcohol dependent individual is quite noticeable (unless the observer is in denial) from those looking from the outside inward. A dependent engages in substance consumption despite the consequences. They may have lost their job, dropped out of school, or isolated themselves from friends and family. They spend most of their time under the influence of some type of drug or alcohol. They drink or use drugs, if not everyday, a minimum of four times a week.

They used to feel normal. They obsess about drinking or taking their drug of choice. They may steal, pawn, or trade items they have once valued in the past. They’re financially bound to drug and alcohol dependency. They may hide their usage or lie about how much they abuse. They are or will become either emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, socially, and/or financially bankrupt. They display bizarre or erratic behavior that, to them, is justified or normal.

The responsibility or accountability is projected onto the ones closest to the dependent. This type of drug dependency and alcohol dependency requires an intervention specialist to help them get back on path immediately!

5 thoughts on “User, Abuser, and Dependent: What’s the Difference?”

  1. Hello; I have a brother of the age of 43 years old who has been a user for a long time. Now all that usage he have used he is required to be on medication in order for his neurons to function ok because he will never be the same. We, our family, have been trying for so long to get him the help he needs but we have been unsuccessful in proceeding forward with that. My brother has 4 children that are out of his life and before he became an addict he used to be healthy, had a good job, he once was a manager assistant and was very outgoing. We truly miss our brother. We, our family, have isolated from him completely because he is bipolar now and we never know what attitude we are going to get from him. At this point we don’t know what to do or where to go for help. He is homeless now.

      • Marijuana is a life altering drug. It might not be true for everyone that uses it, but for some it very much is life altering. My personal experience with Marijuana caused me to go in to a state of mind that was similar to someone using a much harder drug. I know this from experience not just assuming. Everyone’s brain works differently. The same chemical you put in your body effects your chemical balance differently them mine. My husband recorded my actions and showed me the video a couple days later. It was scary how much I acted like my sister and father who are active heroin user’s. I personally will never try any type of drug again. If my brain reacted to the drug that I legally bought from a store/dispensary. They I don’t want to chance what reaction my brain would have to any other drugs not deemed safe and legal.

  2. I need an invention on my 40 year old son. He had been in and out of prison for 22 or more years. He is abuse to his wife. She left him for one of his friends yet continues to harasse him about if he is having affairs all while is is with this other man. She smiles meth, inhaled cocaine drink beer and alcohol. She is physically abuse to him as well. We need help


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