What are the tell-tale signs that your loved one is using drugs? Here’s a list of the common signs of drug use, especially in young adults.
Personality Changes
- Becomes disrespectful. May be verbally and physically abusive
- Is angry a lot, acts paranoid or confused, or suffers from extreme mood swings
- Seems depressed and more introverted than usual
- Is secretive and lies about what he/she is doing and where he/she is going
- Is stealing or “losing” possessions they may have valued in the past
- Seems to be always asking for money
- Withdraws from the family and family activities
Physical Appearance or Physical Changes
- Not taking care of hygiene and grooming
- Not sleeping or sleeping too much
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss or weight gain
Social Activity, Work, or School Performance Changes
- Drops old friends and activities
- Is skipping work or school
- Loses interest in work or school
- Work and school performance drops
- Is sleeping at work or school
- Loses concentration and is having trouble remembering things
If you or a family member has noticed any of these symptoms it is time to take action. Talk to your loved one and see if they are abusing drugs or any other substance. If they admit to being addicted, the next step is to find out if they are willing to accept addiction help. If they deny the help and are not willing to seek treatment, it is time to hire a addiction interventionist before it is too late.
I have a 26 year old niece that is on several different drugs. Her skin has a lot of black marks throughout her body. She lives with her grandmother who is always sleep, do not want to come around family and has lost weight. I am thinking the grandmother is also on something other than just pain meds. Are these signs? I think they both need help.
sounds like fentanyl to me, it’s been laced or “cut” with Animal tranquilizer almost all street fentanyl has it tranquilizer mixed together and if someone injects this mix it cause horrible deep sore almost non healing or take months for it to heal and when it does it’ll leave a black spotted scar where injected
I am looking for a way to get my brother some help. He is 29 years old. About 4-5 years ago, he was addicted to meth. He has always lived in my parents’ basement all of his life. They kicked him out when they found out about his meth drug use. My brother ended up wanting to get clean. My father let him come back home to get clean. My brother has always worked for cash. He has no health insurance. My brother got clean by laying on an air mattress on the floor at my parents’ house. It was rough. He swore he would never do it again. But he didn’t stay clean for long. He’s always smoked marijuana. He dropped out of high school and started home-school. He never finished. When he was in his early 20’s, our Grandpa found a bag of marijuana in his driveway and instantly blamed it on my brother. It wasn’t my brother’s. It was actually our Aunt’s. She denied it because she didn’t want her dad to know she was smoking it. So, my brother lost his relationship right there with our Grandpa. With whom he has been close to his entire life. In June 2019, my brother lost his father. My brother, my sister, and I-lost our father. My mom lost her husband. My father had just turned 50 years old. He had a sudden heart attack that killed him. We were all so lost and confused. A few months later, my brother had a little girl. My niece. My niece and her mom (my brother’s girlfriend) moved into my mom’s house with my mom and my brother. From then until now, things-all sorts of things-have been happening. My mother, my sister, my brother’s girlfriend, and I-including others-have all noticed changes in my brother. He is extremely disrespectful to my mother. And to all of those who love him dearly. But mostly to my mother. He doesn’t help my mom with any bills. His paychecks are instantly gone when he gets them. He doesn’t come home at night after work. Instead he lies. He says he’s either working late, hanging out with some buddies, etc. He stays awake all night. Either sitting in my mom’s Tahoe in the driveway all night. Or “working” on something in the garage all night. Or something. When he has a day off of work, he sleeps. Any time he is at home and around any of us, he just sleeps. He and his girlfriend have been in so many arguments with each other that they call law enforcement on each other quite a bit. This last time law enforcement was called, they told them that next time they were going to be arrested. My brother is constantly talking to other women on social media platforms and tries to deny it. As he claims he wants to be in a relationship with his girlfriend and continues to have her and their daughter live at my mom’s house. My mom is having some heart issues and this stress isn’t any help. A month or two ago, my brother admitted to my mother that he uses cocaine. And marijuana. My husband thinks my brother could be lying because he doesn’t want to admit it’s actually meth again. Because of how expensive cocaine is. My brother has lost several jobs. He is such a good person with a loving heart. We all just want him to be sober! I am begging for some help! I watch the ‘Intervention’ show all the time. If the treatment of him on the air mattress on the floor at my mom’s house didn’t obviously work the first time, it will not work again! He needs professional help! He cannot do this alone. He will not fess up to how bad his addiction really is. So therefor, he will not agree to needing help to get clean unless something serious happens. Like an intervention. We have tried to confront him, but he makes it all sound like it’s not a big deal. He hangs out with friends and family that all do the drugs with him. They may deny it too, but we are not blind. He also works with these people. I could sit here and type up a Novel, but I won’t. I am begging for help! We are all begging for help!
My brother is 64 years old and has been using drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroin and more recently, meth) since he was a teenager. He went to an inpatient rehab facility about 30 yrs ago and has since been on methadone, supplemented by street drugs. My mother who was his biggest enabler, died in 2010 and he seemed to be doing a little better following her loss. Unfortunately, his oldest son was killed in a drug deal gone bad in 2016 and his 2nd oldest child died from using drugs in 2017. Since that time, my brother seems to be spiraling out of control and I’m really afraid I’m going to get a call that he’s been found dead. Please HELP!
Hello. My name is Lindsey. I’m 22 years old. My 45 year old Mother is addicted to Heroin; or just about anything to get her high. I also have a 26 year old sister who is addicted to meth. Neither seem to realize they have a problem but both have lost any and everything they have. My mother still has younger children who need her more than myself or my older sister. They have seen things they shouldn’t have and been through not having a mother for a few years now. I need help getting them the help they need. My mother is the one I’m most scared for. She has over dosed if not fell out multiple times infront of our family, and her own children. Each time she does her drug she’s gambling for her life. I need help and I have no idea how to go about getting it. I have offered to take care of her younger ones if she goes to rehab and she claims she does not have a problem. I’ve seen the life drain from her and she’s draining her kids life as well. She has no will to help herself in any way. She wants everything handed to her. As for my sister, she claims to have it under control but has been in and out of jail and continues to get in trouble due to drugs. Everyone has considered them to be lost causes but I can’t. They are my family. My big sister and my momma. They both go to steal from stores. Steal from anyone around them. Pan handle. I’m terrified they will lose all morals and sell themselves for a fix. Every day I see both of them on the hunt for their next fix. It’s breaking everyone in my family down. I’m scared one of them is going to get a bad dose and hurt themselves more than they are already. My little sister and brother doesn’t stand a chance if they don’t help them self. They see all the wrong my mother and sister do and believe it’s alright. This isn’t a way to live life. Not for them. Not for anyone. Someone please help. I am at a loss….
insurance. We have called two different places and they have told us the cost would be upwards of $20,000. No one in the family has that kind of money. What can we do?
I am looking for a way to get help for my boyfriend. I watch these stories on intervention, and his is just as, if not more disturbing. He I slowly killing himself shooting up meth. We have been together almost 3 years and I have watched him completely destroy his life, just short of killing himself many times. He now faces the possibility of 3 yrs in the penitentiary if he violates parole from a first offense meth charge. And inspite of knowing that, he can not stop. We have discussed the drug use, but the last time, just last night, he became very violent and agitated so I told him I wanted to end this. I want him to get the help he needs but don’t know where to turn for an intervention. I have previously called 911 when he was high threatening suicide, he was taken to a rehab facility but was released 3 days later. There is a long family history of addictions, as well as abuse from his childhood. He is such a wonderful person, and deserves the chance of beating this & saving his own life.
Julie – if you still are looking for help you can search on Google to find resources available. I just typed into Google “Where can I find resources in to help with addiction?” and several web pages came up in the search results showing me places where someone with an addiction can go for help. I hope you are able to find the help you need as you will not be able to do this on your own. Addiction is so powerful and requires help. Overcoming my alcoholism was the hardest thing I have ever done but the best thing I have ever done for myself. I was not able to do it alone. I had to get help! What has worked for me, is becoming a member of a 12 step program. However, just becoming a member doesn’t work, I had to find a sponsor who took me through the 12 steps, I had to become honest with myself, I had to become open-minded to all aspects of the program to include spirituality (not to be confused with religion) and I had to become extremely willing to take all suggestions from my sponsor regardless if I liked what was suggested or not. I wish well on your journey to recovery!
julie, I see your post. I hope that you can find help. It’s hard to give up alone, but I hope you can. I am happy that you are reaching out for help.
Well, my story is that I don’t know what to do with my sisters. My sister has been on and off drugs since she was about 14 and she’s 46, turning 47. She has a daughter that is 8. She may see her five times a month and she doesn’t work. Most time she comes to pick up recycliables or money for cigerattes. I know she doing more than drinking. What I hate most is that her daughter is so young and is envolved in this. I have got over the pain and suffering, but I know what it feels like to watch someone who you love do drugs over you. I know there is nothing our family can do to help her, but an intervention. How do I go about this without her knowing. My sister has been to at least seven different inpatient programs, but she refuse to live the sober life. What is the next step for our family? Second, if someone like my mother doesn’t stop inabling her should I cut off a relationship with my mother?
I need help with pain pills
I am 16 years old and i Have a uncle that’s suffering from an addiction. He has had it for a while now, And i am getting worried everyday, he’s more like a father figure to me. He has 2 sons and is married,they argue like every day 24/7, i am just so scared I am gonna loose him or something bad is gonna happen. We are all worried about him. He has made a lot of mistakes while doing what he does. He has hurt us so much. I am just worried so much about him, i just want him to have or get help. I’ve watched your shows and it seems to work so I need help. Please.