What Is an Intervention?

Do you have a loved one who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or smoking? An intervention program could help your loved one escape the grips of denial, rationalization, and projection.

An intervention is an orchestrated attempt by family and friends to get a family member, friend, or loved one to seek help for an addiction or other similar problems. When one has tried everything possible to inspire or convince their loved one that they need help, but they will not admit into a program, an addiction intervention program is a successful tool in helping you help your loved one escape from the grips of denial, rationalization and projection.

By approaching them from a place of love and compassion, with help facilitated by a addiction interventionist, you will be helping them understand the problem that they have and that a treatment program is needed. Using a professional interventionist will not only ensure that you have taken the appropriate approach, but will also give you peace of mind knowing that you have expressed your love and concern in a professional, impacting, and very effective manner.

Addiction Intervention Process

An intervention is a very strategic process that must be facilitated and properly executed by an addiction intervention specialist to ensure desired results. In order to effectively perform a substance intervention, an intervention team will be established and then thoroughly prepared with the information required for attaining success. All parties involved will understand the purpose, process and techniques of the intervention.

  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse: A Deadly DuoAlcohol and substance abuse is a dangerous combination. You need professional help in order to treat both addictions.
  • User, Abuser, and Dependent: What's the Difference?User, abuser, and dependent. You've heard these words before in the context of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or gambling addiction. What are their differences?
  • Addiction DefinitionAddiction is also classified as a progressive disease. This means that the habit will only intensify as time goes on if nothing or nobody intervenes with the addiction.
  • Intervention FAQsHere are some of the most common questions that families often ask about an intervention, whether for drug, alcohol, or substance addiction.

575 thoughts on “What Is an Intervention?”

  1. please I am writing for someone to contact me regarding my sister. she is addicted to shooting up meth and smoking fentanyl. I don’t want to get into more details of this situation through a comment I would really appreciate someone contact me please I’m begging!

  2. please I am writing for someone to contact me regarding my sister. she is addicted to shooting up meth and smoking fentanyl. I don’t want to get into more details of this situation through a comment I would really appreciate someone contact me please I’m begging!

  3. At what point in time do you ask the person involved, why they are drinking or doing drugs? Stopping drinking or doing drugs is not solving the problem that caused the so called issue.

  4. My family member is now 27 and has been using meth for 12 years and has been shooting it up for the past 6 he’s lost his wife who is also addicted to meth now. They both lost rights to both of there children his son and daughter have been adopted off to someone on his step moms side of the family he’s not allowed any communication with them and he beats himself up over that to the point I’m not sure if there’s help for him. He needs help! there is so much more to be said about his story and I know that if he just had one shot or one person who’s able to offer him real help that he would take it and it would help so many others in his same shoes find hope! Please I’m begging you guys for help. How do I go about getting him on intervention. He’s got so much potential to help this world. Like I said earlier I haven’t even scratched the surface of this guys story on here he’s really never had a chance from the beginning of his life please someone give him this chance please!

  5. My husband has been addicted to heroine since 2009 !! It has truly destroyed him and everyone in the family if he doesn’t get help he will die from this disease!!

  6. hi my husband and I need help for our son Giovanni Piña my father supported his habit until he passed Dec of 2021 my father alienated Gio from us my husband is transgender but at the time back in 2014 he saw him as an abomination what we had was bad and unnatural we’ve been happily married since 2015 our other child is gender fluid and their name is Alexander Sky family.calls them Sky but to friends they’re known as Alex my father caused a lot of pain and anguish helping our son slip deeper and deeper into his addiction we had to kick him out at the age of 18 but didn’t help we wanted him to hit rock bottom but it would never happen while my father was alive and supporting his behavior please help us he’s going on 8 years of being lost in that horrible haze

  7. I need help for my son. He is 42 years old. He is on drugs. The last 8 years he has pushed everyone he loved away, except for girlfriend. His two daughters have “daddy issues”, they are 20 and 18 years old. They love him, but don’t want to be around him. He has stolen almost everything he can from his grandmother (my mother) he can and sales it. The last thing has been her tv she has enabled him all his life, now he is getting “more” abuse towards her. He needs help with his drug addiction or he will be dead soon.

  8. Hi I have a brother in law and he is 35 yrs his name is ERIC Quintana. His addiction is the peals Blue’s and I will like hem to gate help because his mom is worried. Pleas he needs help pleas help him before is to late. He’s from taos new mexico.

  9. Why can’t I get help if I have no insurance so rich fucks get it and we die just like me being diabetic and methadone Arica get shit free and I can and have to 700$ to live. Can I become a Juncky and get help the bc I will so I can p

  10. Im a young girl who hasn’t seen my aunt in years. We don’t contact her often, so we don’t know exactly what drugs she’s addicted to, but she definitely is. She smokes, drinks, the whole 9. I want nothing more than for her to be the aunt who spoiled us and bought us candies and loved us again. She’s bipolar and has other mental disorders, and she’s cruel to us all. She reaches out to my grandma when she’s bored and will either cuss her out or ask for money. She hasn’t been a pleasant person in years. I’ve talked about staging an intervention with my mom, but my mom believes that her mental disorders are too much and we will just make things worse. She even killed her dog from second hand smoking. She’s about 50, my mom is 45. My grandma gets verbally abused on the daily. Her name is Robin, she lives in Colorado Springs (last i checked), and we’re in Utah. It definitely is hard to contact her due to distance, but we mostly don’t talk to her because of her problems. Not sure if this is even a good idea, but i’d love my Auntie Robin to be the same again.

    Thank you so much, Maddie S.


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