What Is an Intervention?

Do you have a loved one who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or smoking? An intervention program could help your loved one escape the grips of denial, rationalization, and projection.

An intervention is an orchestrated attempt by family and friends to get a family member, friend, or loved one to seek help for an addiction or other similar problems. When one has tried everything possible to inspire or convince their loved one that they need help, but they will not admit into a program, an addiction intervention program is a successful tool in helping you help your loved one escape from the grips of denial, rationalization and projection.

By approaching them from a place of love and compassion, with help facilitated by a addiction interventionist, you will be helping them understand the problem that they have and that a treatment program is needed. Using a professional interventionist will not only ensure that you have taken the appropriate approach, but will also give you peace of mind knowing that you have expressed your love and concern in a professional, impacting, and very effective manner.

Addiction Intervention Process

An intervention is a very strategic process that must be facilitated and properly executed by an addiction intervention specialist to ensure desired results. In order to effectively perform a substance intervention, an intervention team will be established and then thoroughly prepared with the information required for attaining success. All parties involved will understand the purpose, process and techniques of the intervention.

  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse: A Deadly DuoAlcohol and substance abuse is a dangerous combination. You need professional help in order to treat both addictions.
  • User, Abuser, and Dependent: What's the Difference?User, abuser, and dependent. You've heard these words before in the context of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or gambling addiction. What are their differences?
  • Addiction DefinitionAddiction is also classified as a progressive disease. This means that the habit will only intensify as time goes on if nothing or nobody intervenes with the addiction.
  • Intervention FAQsHere are some of the most common questions that families often ask about an intervention, whether for drug, alcohol, or substance addiction.

573 thoughts on “What Is an Intervention?”

  1. My family is desperate to save our Mom! She lost her husband, my step father to suicide in March of 2020. Her Mother, my grandma this year in March of 2021. And now her brother, my uncle to suicide just last month October 2021. Ever since my step dad’s unexpected death her life and living situation has went down hill. She can’t even admit she has a problem because she thinks shes got it under control. She also thinks that we’re all against her and that no one cares about her, which is ridiculous. Her health is declining and the family is about to lose the house which she worked so hard to get. Our family which is normally tight knitted is falling apart and e desperately need our Mom back… Please Please Please Help Us Save Her!

  2. I have too Mexican uncles addicted too meth we believe there stuck like that until the day of there death they are both homeless and both of them are brothers the youngest one hasn’t been seen in weeks the oldest one comes to our house too eat he doesn’t work or shower we are broke to put them in rehab we are located in California Merced they are both undocumented it would be life changing if they got help and went back to being normal with there family and kids my Gmail is esegrifo1711@gmail.com

  3. my mother has been drinking every since I can remember.She has been drinking since I was five years old. I am 48 years old now. Ive decided to accept what I can not change and what she has decided not to leave alone.It was so bad that when I was young we were always getting evicted and our utilities were always being shut off. My siblings and I always were without meals. The pressure of not eating properly, living in the dark because of shut offs etc. eventually I dropped out of high school in the 11th grade. My mother is 70 years old. I don’t know if its too late, I don’t know if her leaving alcohol alone for good is even possible.Its so sad that my whole life I did not enjoy my mother in a healthy mother daughter relationship. I guess that’s another let down life dealt me. I’m used to it I’ve had very sad experiences in my life.

  4. I need help now!!!! My son is addicted to meth.. It was Percocets and heroin and now it’s meth he tried to kill me two times he doesn’t think I am his mother he thinks I’m a clone because he is in meth psychosis I’m begging for help he’s homeless he lives on the streets please please please help me

  5. I’m seeking help for my brother’s mom. She’s been a alcoholic for a long time. Her drinking has caused her to harm my little brother. Who now has brain injuries. It has caused him to need physical therapy, a feeding tube, Botox shots and cast to help him straighten his leg out. Now he’s 8 years old and still eats 8 ounce cans of milk through a bag every 3 hours and he eats baby food. His mother was in jail for a few years and got out. Everything was fine. Once she figured out she was going to be getting off parole she started drinking again. It has been times where she has passed out on porches, & stealing to receive the money to buy alcohol. When she drinks she becomes this person that looks possessed she talks randomly spaces out and talks to the wall she starts fight with people including my father. It has caused a lot of pain and suffering for my family. It has taken a toll on me as well the constant battles my family and I have to go through every single day. She fights with us if she doesn’t get alcohol and when she does get it she does fight with everyone and has blacked out. She has fallen down the stairs, she has assaulted me, my little sister, my father, & her daughter. You can search up the article. Julie keyes youngstown Ohio. She pleaded not guilty to hurting my little brother. Seeking for help she needs intervention to become sober & be the best person/mother that I know she’s capable of being.

  6. My mom. She was a great mom. Most of my childhood. I was 13 when she started using meth. She left behind my brother, sister, and I. She was the best. Now I feel like she died but we didn’t get a funeral. No closure. She uses us for money and rides. She was beautiful. Now frail and a stranger. She will die. I don’t know what else to do. This might be last call for help. Hope is nearly nonexistent.

  7. I am my fathers oldest of three sons. I have a different mother than my younger brothers. The older of the two has a narcotic addiction and has 6 children under the age of 12. His wife struggles without his help. His love to get high is greater than the love of his kids. He has been shot up with narcan 6 times in the last 9 months.
    My younger brother walked in my fathers footsteps and is drinking at least a half gallon of whiskey a day. The mother of his two children left him 7 years ago because drinking with his buddies was more important than being home and being a father and husband. They both need help. Our family is torn apart. We do nothing as a family anymore. Their addictions are ruining the family and our families next generation is suffering without father figures.

  8. I’m here to ask for help with my mother . I’m 21 years old and I have been begging my mom to please sober up since I was 5 years old . She sobered up for about 3 years and relapsed…. It’s taking her mind over and her appearance . I’d say I need my mom back but I’ve never really had a “ mom. “ my whole life … I just want my kids to have their grandma …. so please I’m begging you !!

  9. My husband is addicted to cocaine and if he doesn’t seek help not only am I gonna get a divorce but also a restraining order. He can’t do anything for himself or anyone else. He can’t sit down for more than a minute without falling asleep please help us. The only result I see happening is death he looks so bad and has lost so much weight. Nobody wants anything to do with him and I am at the end of my rope so I’m begging 🙏🏽 for help for him

  10. I am writing to you today as a cry out for help and desperation I have tried everything and nothing can get my son into treatment he lives with his father and gets high with his father he has overdosed more times than I can remember I have gotten to the house to save him just in time so many times I’m so afraid that my son is going to die. I’m hoping you can please contact me to set up an intervention. Thank you


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