What Is an Intervention?

Do you have a loved one who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or smoking? An intervention program could help your loved one escape the grips of denial, rationalization, and projection.

An intervention is an orchestrated attempt by family and friends to get a family member, friend, or loved one to seek help for an addiction or other similar problems. When one has tried everything possible to inspire or convince their loved one that they need help, but they will not admit into a program, an addiction intervention program is a successful tool in helping you help your loved one escape from the grips of denial, rationalization and projection.

By approaching them from a place of love and compassion, with help facilitated by a addiction interventionist, you will be helping them understand the problem that they have and that a treatment program is needed. Using a professional interventionist will not only ensure that you have taken the appropriate approach, but will also give you peace of mind knowing that you have expressed your love and concern in a professional, impacting, and very effective manner.

Addiction Intervention Process

An intervention is a very strategic process that must be facilitated and properly executed by an addiction intervention specialist to ensure desired results. In order to effectively perform a substance intervention, an intervention team will be established and then thoroughly prepared with the information required for attaining success. All parties involved will understand the purpose, process and techniques of the intervention.

  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse: A Deadly DuoAlcohol and substance abuse is a dangerous combination. You need professional help in order to treat both addictions.
  • User, Abuser, and Dependent: What's the Difference?User, abuser, and dependent. You've heard these words before in the context of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or gambling addiction. What are their differences?
  • Addiction DefinitionAddiction is also classified as a progressive disease. This means that the habit will only intensify as time goes on if nothing or nobody intervenes with the addiction.
  • Intervention FAQsHere are some of the most common questions that families often ask about an intervention, whether for drug, alcohol, or substance addiction.

573 thoughts on “What Is an Intervention?”

  1. My 24 year old daughter has been using for 4 years. She developed endocarditis and Hep C from using Fentanyl. She is a beautiful, talented woman who just wasting away her life. She’s been in and out of detoxes for a couple years, leaving AMA. She has state insurance (because she is “homeless and doesn’t have a job) and the places she’s been to for rehab seem to have failed her.
    I’m begging you to please help her and our family who loves her more than she could ever imagine.

  2. Please help this family that I’ve come to know. 2 half brothers using since preteens. Smoking cigarettes at 6 and 4 years old. In and out of juvvie and jail. I know undiagnosed Asperger’s and on autistic spectrum. One has severe brain damage but functional and running amock. Mother a widow and codependent. She is outmatched, outnumbered and overwhelmed. Cousins and aunt also addicted. Treating one or two may save them all. Poly addicts both brothers… incredible story. Too much to tell here. I want to see them live. Please consider contacting me and I will tell you all i know.

  3. Is this the right way to ask for help!?? Because if it is I can’t expose my husband just like that! But I really need urgent help for him and his addiction with cocaine and alcohol!!!

  4. PLEASE HELP MY FAMILY!!! My son is slowly dying from alcoholism. We are at our breaking point. We have tried to help him. He refuses all help offered. He has two young boys who needs him. It is breaking our hearts to see him like this. We are lost at this point and need guidance. Please help our family get my son, brother, dad, uncle and grandfather back so he can really enjoy life in which God has intended for him and his family.
    Please, please, please help!!!

  5. My daughter has been on drugs for 14 yrs,detox,rehab,jail,lost count of the interventions , she lost 7 children to state adopted out,one died due to genetic lung problem,she was not home at the death of child but out getting high,she stole from family , friends,worked In prostitution to support her habit, lied over and over,the family is burnt out ,I’m raising her 5 yr old and the father is going to prison for drugs,We love her,and worry about her, we all sit and wait for a call one day of over dose,We as a family dont talk to her much any more,she misses all holidays, after 14 years we see her health declining, she doesnt think she has a problem,but each time she went to rehab she was herself again but something always pulls her back,30 days is not enough to get sober,she needs long term,we all hope she goes to jail so she will sober up,and we can sleep at night knowing she is alive.She is 40 now and lost everything,we have no idea what she is doing or where she is living, we cant believe anything she says anymore,its very sad,she has no idea how she hurts us and her 5 yr old she never sees anymore,she calls her once in a while.I just wish she could stay sober 60 days,we fear the worst one day.

  6. What can i say. My son has tried so hard on his own. Sober for 2 years and fell down with alcohol now added meth. Everyone told me to stop enabling. So i moved. Now i don’t have any idea where hes at. I miss him so much.

  7. I sincerely hope someone has reached out to all those who commented here. It’s heartbreaking reading the comments on this thread. As a major network with a show focused on addiction and mental health, it’s your duty running this site to at least provide resources to those who have reached out here as a last hope. If this site is in fact going unmonitored, I hope it’s taken down, soon.

    MESSAGE TO ALL a&e staff/reporters, site admins, web designers, IT professionals, and those responsible for maintaining this website:
    Please post a reply on this thread. Let people know if comments are being addressed. If not, please provide a resource for all commenting here and direct them to the appropriate help.


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