Without a doubt, Codeine is currently the most widely used opiate in the world with very high liability for addiction. Moreover, it is one of the nearly all effective orally-administered opioid analgesics with an extensive safety margin.
What Is Codeine So Addicting?
Codeine addiction is caused by physical addiction and due to excess habits that have not been addressed medically. It is also an outcome of reliance to the medicine which is not appropriately treated. Patients do not prefer to turn out as addicts. The causes of obsession and reliance come from self-medication due to misdiagnosed depression, emotional pain, physical pain, anxiety or trauma and recreational use. Patients resolve to this condition with the hope to sedate their uneasiness, but which sooner or later creates physical dependency. The effectiveness of counseling as a treatment to dependency can only be successful if the anesthetic is removed.
Due to an enhanced perception of opiate dependence, patients no longer require turning to throbbing and unsuccessful methods of detox promoted by treatment centers. By medically propose quick detoxification at the same time the patient is under anesthesia, Waismann Method doctors can reverse opiate reliance in a secure, humane and non-judgmental method. Patients can then go on their lives opiate-free.